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Ministry Breakdown

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Wednesday night Bible Study. Impart a greater understanding of the word of God so that souls will be saved, lives will be lived for Christ and glorify the name of Jesus. II Peter 3:18 – ” But grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forevemore. Amen.”


Children’s Church is a “child friendly” worship time that will use Bible stories, teaching, crafts, music, and simple lessons to teach the Gospel to our children and help them CONNECT with Christ


To provide technical computer support and expertise to FCBC operations staff and the other church ministries in their conducting of church business. The Computer Ministry is responsible for the design/development and maintenance of the FCBC website, firstcalvary.org

A support ministry for business owners and entrepreneurs. Provide leadership for young entrepreneurs. Enhance our outreach education programs by providing workshops and seminars that have been developed to equip our members with the essential tools for structuring and marketing their businesses for financial success.

Site Meter
GOALS Provide a detailed listing of all business owners within the Kingdom Provide training sessions regarding small business administration issues/practices, and financial empowerment information seminars. Implement and host events that will allow our diversified talents to be used in Kingdom building.


To activate and implement what the bible says about your financial life. The Financial Education Ministry seeks to establish itself in the life of this congregation to help you: Eliminate Debt, Plan your financial life “Present and Future”, Live a life free of Financial Bondage.

The Financial Education Ministry seeks to establish itself in the life of this congregation to help you:

Eliminate Debt
Plan your financial life “Present and Future”
Live a life free of Financial Bondage

The mission of our ministry is to provide programs and education for members of our congregation and community on health conditions, particularly those that disproportionately affect African-Americans. This is done in an effort to improve our health status in a biblical context. Educational talks, brochures, and programs are done so that our members are not only empowered, but are able to affect the health status and lives of others in our community by sharing their knowledge and skills. We use God given talents in health to try to improve the health status of our community so that we can continue to glorify God.


To provide an environment that is secure, satisfying and enriched with a genuine Christ-like love for children 10-months to 5-years-old. To strive to create an atmosphere that will minister to the children in a positive way which is necessary for their spiritual growth. To lay the foundation for Christian education and to help our youngest members enjoy their first church experience. To encourage a curiosity and interest in God’s work through stories, song and action. To become acquainted with each child and his family while watching him grow into the church of the future.


Our mission is informing students about internal/external scholarship opportunities; providing support to college students through love offerings and care packages; providing stipends to high school graduates; hosting career and higher education workshops for all members of the congregation; as well as recognizing academic achievements of all members. Our primary aim is to encourage and support our students, young and old, on their educational journey and to remind all students that they “can do all things through Christ who strengthens them.”(Philippians 4:13)

FCBC Scholarships:
Elnora Shields and Katara Harris Scholarships:

▪ Link: 2025 FCBC Scholarship Application – Google Docs
Deadline: Sunday, April 20, 2025 at 5pm
▪ POC: Scholarship Ministry, scholarship@firstcalvary.org

External Scholarships:
Gerald Memorial Scholarship
Deadline Wednesday, April 30, 2025
POC: Pat Smith, (919) 489-5469

Focus Organization Scholarship (Black or African American Females Only)
▪ Link: https://form.jotform.com/250427186045152
Deadline April 30, 2025
POC: Kendra Chaney Adams (919)-923-6032


To teach the Bible to provide opportunities for spiritual growth and enhancement; and to encourage disciples to live according to the biblical principles set forth in God’s word. To fulfill the Great Commission by reaching out to the unsaved to encourage them to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior; and to challenge disciples to become doers of the Word, thereby living more abundant lives for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Bible Study and Fellowship in summer.


“Please email info@firstcalvary.org for more information.”

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To edify the sacred institution of marriage, continuously seeking God’s intent for marriage through the study and application of biblical principles and angaging in Christ-centered fellowship so tha people grow spiritually as individuals and as a unified couple obedient to God.


To provide an atmosphere of love, fellowship, and excitement for everyone who enters the church doors.
Ensure that all first-time guests and new disciples within the church body are welcomed into a warm and comfortable environment.

To be prayer warriors whose role is to pray for the concerns of First Calvary family and ministers.

The Male Summit Ministry of First Calvary Baptist Church is a men’s ministry dedicated to the holistic development of a man – spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically and financially; with the intent of developing or producing R.E.A.L. Men (Righteous, Effective, Accountable Leaders).


Pearls of Praise, formerly Women of Worship, is the women’s ministry of the church. We seek to transform the lives of women through the love of God by introducing seeds of faith, developing wisdom and sustaining generations as we grow into Godly women. Goals: *To encourage spiritual growth and maturity through bible study, * To encourage women of all ages to know their worth and purpose in Christ, and * To guide and equip women of all ages to utilize their God given gifts in the home, church and community.

Womanhood Committee
The Womanhood Committee, is part of the Pearls of Praise women’s ministry at First Calvary Baptist Church. We seek to transform the lives of women through the love of God by introducing seeds of faith, developing wisdom and sustaining generations as we grow into Godly women. Our goals are to encourage spiritual growth and maturity through bible study, to encourage women of all ages to know their worth and purpose in Christ, and to guide and equip women of all ages to utilize their God given gifts in the home, church and community.
“An Exciting Church Excited About Its Mission”

Serving Tigers, Webelos, Cubs, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Daisy, Brownie, Junior Girl Scouts, Cadett, Senior Girl Scouts.


The mission of Singles In Love with Christ (SILC) of First Calvary Baptist Church is to promote a God-centered atmosphere of wholesome activities, encouragement, and discipleship training for all Triangle Singles (male and female). Our ministry is inclusive of all stages of singleness: never married, separated, divorced, or widowed.

SILC provides various opportunities for mission outreach and worship with fun and enlightening activities designed with an evangelistic appeal. All activities are structured to reinforce and address the daily challenges of living Single in modern times according to the teachings of Jesus Christ.


To support the spiritual development of young adult disciples (ages 18-38) through invitational fellowship and the creating of programs that lead others to Christ and meeting the needs and concerns of young adult disciples in First Calvary Baptist Church and surrounding communities.

The Youth Department at First Calvary is dedicated to enriching the lives of young people through Bible-centered education, Christian service and fellowship. Children/Youth ages 0-18 (still in High School), are invited to join us in a wide range of activities that feed the soul and serve the community as well.
2022 Virtual Museum Zoom Information:

FCBC Virtual Living African American will open February 26 at 3:00pm to our church family, friends and guests.

Missions & Evangelism

“Please email info@firstcalvary.org for more information.”

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To minister unconditional and non-judgmental love and compassion to persons living with HIV/AIDS with the prayer and hope of birthing empowerment, encouragement and hope while offering HIV/AIDS education to the community at-large.


The Circle of Care Ministry provides practical, emotional, spiritual support, resources, and pastoral care supporting people in need within the congregation and in the community. The goal is to office assistance to people experiencing crisis, and to assist in supporting their families wherever possible.


To provide support for sisters in Christ through prayer, encouragement and assistance as requested with day to day activities.



The Evangelism ministry are disciples within the body of First Calvary Baptist Church united to share the “Good News” of the Gospel to nonbelievers of Durham with intent of a faith response through the principles and teachings of Jesus Christ.  
 ” The Great Commission”  (Matthew 28:18-20)”
 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”


Vision Statement
Our vision is to be a faith base community that provides and support a ministry that assist the men and women who are returning back into our society after incarceration.

To prevent youth and young adults from entering the criminal justice system through guidance, encouragement and mentoring.
To equip the offenders with the necessary support and resources needed to become productive members of society.

Trained mentors will provide guidance, encouragement, counseling, coping and life coach skills in collaboration with Division of Prisons, Chaplaincy Services support.

To provide ministries that will support the prison facilities in our community.

Why Should You Care?
The transitions from a life of confinement and institutionalization to freedom comes with a great deal of new responsibilities and a maze of conflicting emotions. For the average everyday citizen surviving and thriving in the outside world is a day to day challenge. It is no wonder that those leaving a period of incarceration will find it very difficult, on their own, to obtain the things that we take for granted – food, clothing, housing, job assistance, family integration and emotional support. Reentry into society can be very difficult for these men and women.



Assist Pastor in realizing the vision for the church, winning souls for Christ, teaching people to become missionaries. Visiting the sick and shut-in.


“Please email info@firstcalvary.org for more information.”

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Our Mission is to adequately prepare Associate Ministers of First Calvary Baptist Church to serve in their God-given call while actively meeting the needs of the church body. The ministry goal is to equip every Associate Minister for the fulfillment of the Great Commission (Matt 28:18-20).

The First Calvary Baptist Church (FCBC) Beautification Ministry was formed to ensure that God’s house is beautifully decorated, providing a visually inviting view to FCBC disciples, visitors, and guests. The ministry also has as its focus providing a pleasing view to the church’s exterior through its flower gardens. The vision of this ministry is to create a more inviting atmosphere and enhance the worship experience through floral arrangements and seasonal decorations.

Ministry Scripture: “He has made every thing beautiful in His time: also He hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.” Ecclesiastes 3:1-11 KJV

The Kitchen / Culinary Ministry supports our local church body events by providing, food for the church and community while promoting a warm environment of hospitality and fellowship. We know that God stretches His people for every task; therefore we are encouraged and inspired by the words of Scripture that gives pause to serve:
Matt. 10:45 says: “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve”

Ministry Goals
1. To work with other ministries of the church to assist them in properly planning meals for specific events. i.e. menus and fellowship hall set-up,
2. Purchase, prepare and serve nutritious meals and refreshments, etc. that are suitable for every occasion.
3. Properly setup food for buffet service and / or table service.
4. Be responsible for recruiting and training volunteers to serve in all aspects of this ministry.
5. Be accountable for the care and inventory of all kitchen -related items.

First Calvary Baptist Church is an active community base church. Therefore, the food service component is vital to the success of many church events. The ministry takes pride in the delivery of preparation and service. Moreover, it is necessary to have a cohesive team of kitchen / culinary staff to answer the many needs and demands of a growing and active church. If you are inclined to serve in such a capacity and enjoy being engaged in the various aspects of food preparation, please consider aligning yourself with this ministry. We would wholeheartedly embrace your participation!

The Diaconate Ministry are faithful Christian servants, called by God, who are dedicated to following Jesus Christ and His teachings. This ministry will persist in efforts to excel in serving God, the church family and our community at large through support of the mission of the church and vision of our leadership.

The purpose of this fund is to build an endowment that allows funding of scholarship and higher education for the members of First Calvary Baptist Church. The target for the fund is to reach one million dollars before allowing the fund to distribute income in support of its mission. The management of the fund and the amount of the annual distribution is the responsibility of the investment committee the way in which that amount is distributed is the responsibility of the scholarship committee.


A Heart and Mind for Service: “God has shown us that there are rewards for caring for the man of God, we want to bless him as he blesses us; we love him and we embrace his vision to make us better fit for God’s ministry. The Mission of the Pastoral Esteem Team includes care and support for the Pastor of First Calvary Baptist Church, which can include the care and support of his family.

“And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart” Galatians 6:9 NKJV


Capture pictures of church activities and archive for annual calendar, website and other communication tools.


The Trustee Ministry has a unique position in the life of FCBC. We have a spiritual position with a secular agenda. As a Trustee our charge is to manage the temporal affairs of this church. We are chosen to this position not only to holder to this position, but are temporal caretakers for the Kingdom of God. It is trusteeship over the things that God has given for the maintenance and the increase of His Kingdom. Therefore, the office of trustees carries with it significant fiduciary responsibilities.

Apart from the stewardship of administration, the trustee is called by God and approved by the congregation to adhere to sound business practices. In other words, trustees must possess the requisite business acumen to manage secular matters on the church’s behalf, but must do so under the direction and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Trustees must abide by this prescription, if they hope to be successful, not to mention in God’s will.


And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled. Luke 14:23.

The Transportation Ministry is a valuable outreach of First Calvary Baptist Church. The ministry provides reliable, on time and safe transportation to and from worship services and other church related activities upon request. The drivers and leaders of the Transportation Ministry strive to focus on providing a warm, friendly and clean environment on the bus.

Transportation Service Available:
Pick Up Times:
First Pick Up – 8:30 am – 9:30 am for Sunday School
Second Pick Up – 10 am – 11 am for 10:45 Worship
** Please call the church office at 919.489.4184 to reserve a spot for Sunday Pick-Up.

Need the church van?
Please make your request early. You can contact the church office or fill out this Van Ministry Request Form and someone will contact you soon.



Our mission is to serve as a long-range planning committee for First Calvary Baptist Church. Our emphasis is on expanding church outreach by helping to implement the pastor’s vision throughout the congregation and the church ministries.


“Please email info@firstcalvary.org for more information.”

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To encourage by helping, comforting and supporting church disciples, members and their families who are new, inactive and/or experiencing discouragement. Encouraging them to continue participating in the life of First Calvary Baptist Church so they spiritually develop in their knowledge and service towards becoming a fruit bearing disciple of Jesus.

The Usher & First Aid Ministry’s mission is to seek to provide a comfortable and safe worship place for the First Calvary Baptist Church family and guest. It is a ministry of efficient and dedicated service to God first, and to the people. The ministry consists of youth, adult males and females and is open to all that are interested in being courteous, warm and friendly to all.

Our mission is to continually lead people into a new or growing relationship with Jesus Christ through the use of our technology tools and gifts by creating an excellent spiritual and technical atmosphere.

Worship Through Movement: “Calvary’s Anointed Mime” and “Vessels of Praise Liturgical Dance” Ministry stands on, Colossians 3:17, NIV, ” And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him”.

“We Can’t Minister To Others Unless We Minister To Ourselves”.

To excel in providing quality sound transmission for the uplifting of: God’s Word, praise given to God, and the service rendered to Him.

We’re looking for new members!
Training is available. Contact Deacon Calvin Squires (audio) at 606-4904 to join or for details.

Welcome to the First Calvary Baptist Church’s Department of Music Ministries. We take joy in being a part of An Exciting Church Excited about Its Mission. Our ongoing mission is to lead congregations into worship through Spirit-led music for the glory of Jesus Christ. Our members endeavor to give their time, talents and treasures for an effective ministry as guided by Christ-centered teaching and leadership. Click on the choir names below to learn more.

Ministry Staff

Male Chorus

Mass Choir

Praise Team

Psalm 150

Tots of Praise

Voices of Calvary

Young Adult